The world is a reflection of our own consciousness

Sri Aurobindo

About us

This festival is hosted by an enthusiastic group of practitioners and long term aspirants of esoteric traditions. For more than two decades we have applied systemic practice and made a genuine effort to discover the mysterious nature of reality, the inner world and the many transpersonal and parapsychological phenomena. We aspire to stay connected to an ever expanding international community of practitioners, scientist and mystics who share the same passion, dedication and love for the spiritual awakening of humanity. 

We are creating this festival because we believe that we are in a pivotal and intriguing time in human history. Our understanding of physics is growing and merging with the ancient esoteric wisdom like never before in our history. At the same time as humanity stands before a several crises, making many lack the sense of meaning and hope, the efforts to understand consciousness is increasing drastically. 

As researchers but also as experienced practitioners, we believe it is a the right time for humanity to come together and take a step closer to understanding of all the incredible potentials that exist within our human existence and in the sacred dimensions of our consciousness

We welcome you with enthusiasm.