Core values

Embodying Spiritual Insights

Ascension is not an escape from the physical reality but it includes also the conscious decent of our awareness into all areas of the human experience, embodying spiritual insights in everyday life. This embodiment means integrating higher consciousness into our actions, relationships, and ways of living and builds the foundation of what we call integral spirituality. 


Recognizing our interconnectedness with the earth and all its inhabitants is a fundamental aspect of spiritual awakening. This awareness fosters empathy, kindness and compassion, helping us to see the impact of our actions on the environment and on other beings. As we cultivate greater self-awareness we are able to walk with more grace on this earth. With this we also actively work for deepening the sense of sacred unity & interconnectedness as a way to heal the tendencies for isolation and hyper individualization in modern society

Discovering the Godly Essence

We believe that the search for meaning is one of the deepest yearnings of our souls. Realizing we are much more than the physical body invites us to explore deeper dimensions of our being. There we come in touch with a sacred essence, a godly consciousness that all sages and wise beings have transmitted through countless teachings, practices and methods. Science increasingly proves that connecting with a higher consciousness brings profound transformation and fulfillment within our being. We wish to provide methodology and guidance where this can be directly experienced by anyone with curiosity and willingness 

Balancing Heaven & EartH

The journey of ascension requires a harmonious balance between the spiritual and the material. Embracing the Earth reminds us that spiritual growth is not an escape from the physical world but a deeper engagement with it. This balance helps us to cultivate inner peace, resilience, and a holistic understanding of existence.

Transcendence, Mystery & the Beyond:

Spiritual awakening and mystical self-discovery are deeply intertwined journeys that lead individuals toward profound transformations and a deeper understanding of their true nature and the universe. These experiences, often described as transcendent or mystical, offer a glimpse into the deeper layers of reality and our connection to something greater than ourselves.

Self-awareness, Healing and Transformation:

The human experience offers countless lessons in resilience, cycles of renewal, and the interconnectedness of all life. By aligning with these natural principles, we can facilitate our healing and transformation. Cultivating self-awareness encourages us to nurture our bodies, care for our environment, and engage in practices that support both personal and planetary well-being.

By grounding ourselves consciously and lucidly in the reality of our earthly existence, we prepare the soil in which the seeds of higher consciousness can flourish. It is through this descent into the richness of our earthly experience that we can truly rise, reaching new heights of awareness, compassion, and wisdom.