
  • Embracing earth to reach heaven

  • SADHANA - Sustain altered states of consciousness through continuous spiritual practise

  • The Awakening Heart: Love as a Catalyst for Ascension

  • Intiatic art as a tool for spiritual awakening

  • Going Beyond: Non-duality in Tantric Practise

  • Beauty as a spiritual path

  • Wisdom of herbs for purifying the mind and awakening consciousness

  • Dancing into devotion - elevated states of trance through movement

  • Is there scientific evidence for parapsychological phenomena

  • Tantric Touch: Body as a Portal for Elevated States of Consciousness

  • Transformative Pathways: Yoga for Spiritual Evolution

  • Voyages of Spirit through Beneficial States of Trance

  • Power of initiation and rites of passage

  • Awakening the 3d Eye: Entering Sacred Spaces of Inner Knowing

  • Orgasm as a Portal: Harnessing Erotic Energy for Spiritual Awakening

  • Can altered states of consciousness enhance brain functioning

  • Artistic shows

  • Dancing into devotion - elevated states of trance through movement

    by Sylvie Dakini

    Devotion speaks about our love, aspiration and loyalty towards the highest aspects that our soul can reach and also about our capacity to dedicate ourselves to being constantly aligned with the pure and all-encompassing wisdom of the Universe. By tuning in to this state, we can gradually open up to the reality which lies beyond our senses, sanctifying the way we experience life.

    This conscious dance workshop will offer you a great support in discovering some of your deep longings and diving into states of trance based on a devotional attitude. You don't need any previous dance experience - just the openness to let go of preconceived ideas and explore through movement the uplifting creative flow.

  • Initiation and the Rite of Passage

    by Foca Yariv

    Rite of passage is a deeply significant event that marks the transitioning from one major stage of our life to another. In this talk we will look at the importance of the rite of passage in the individual’s life, in particular the initiation rite that marks the maturing process of the psyche, and how this forms our general outlook on life, how it affects our relationships and interactions with others, and even the broader impact on society.

  • The Awakening Heart: Love as a Catalyst for Ascension

    by Aurora Georgijevic

    Everyone who ever loved deeply knows that true love doesn’t allow you to remain the same. Love has a deeply transforming power upon our entire being. We fear and run away from love because it asks this from us, to leave behind the old and open up to an adventure into the unknown. This is why every spiritual tradition highlights love as a foundation for expanding our consciousness from the limited towards the unlimited

    In order to experience the transforming power of love we need to learn how to shift from thinking or mentalizing about love to deeply and fully EXPERIENCING and SAVORING IT.

    This workshop will be an inspirational journey where we get to discover how love as a spiritual path and how we can have a direct experience of love as a catalyst for ascension and as a portal for higher states of consciousness

  • Wisdom of herbs for purifying the mind and awakening consciousness

    by Chloe Hünefeld

    Step into the ancient world of herbal wisdom, where nature's gifts offer pathways to mental clarity and the purity of heightened awareness. This workshop invites you to explore the profound connection between phytotherapeutical remedies and spiritual awareness, revealing how herbs can cleanse the mind and elevate consciousness.

    Learn two different meditation methods - one from ayurveda and one from western phytotherapy to connect your spirit with those of a herb family and dive into the immersive experience of three non-toxic herbs, unveiling their role in fostering inner peace and enlightenment. No prior knowledge of herbs is needed—just a willingness to embrace the healing power of nature and open your mind to new dimensions of consciousness.

  • Orgasm as a Portal: Harnessing Erotic Energy for Spiritual Awakening

    by Chloe Hünefeld

    Discover the transformative power of erotic energy and the peak states reached through making love. Delve into the profound connection between erotic pleasure and spiritual growth, exploring how orgasm can serve as a gateway to higher states of consciousness. This talk will illuminate why some ancient practices focused on this particular energies and how we can discern the uplifting and sacred energies of eros from profane sexual energies. Learn how to harness this potent force to transcend ordinary experiences and cultivate a deeper connection with your inner self,your lover and the universe. Open to all, this lecture invites you to expand your understanding of spirituality through the lens of intimate and ecstatic experiences.

  • Art as a tool for spiritual awakening 

    by Olinela D’Altri

    Art is a magnificent tool to uplift our spirit, touch our heart and when it goes really deep, even to reveal to ourselves the mysteries of this marvelous Universe we live in.

    Initiatic Art is a bridge between the known and the unknown.

    In this workshop you will experiment the very connection between art and spiritual practice, learning step by step how you can tune into the creative potential within, which is in anyone of us waiting to be discovered and put into action .

    The workshop will be a creative laboratory where you will be guided step by step into your own creative journey while practicing simple techniques that will allow you to create a powerful work of art while entering a so called “altered state of conciousness”

  • Embodiment, the simple key to happiness

    by Kim Baden

    The simple key to connectedness, the simple key to be able to hold our emotions , the simple key to presence , the simple key to living in the now…

    Simple… but not easy…

    …bodily intelligence is rarely taught …we focus on rational intelligence, and increasingly also on emotional intelligence, both of which are important and have their place…. but without being grounded in a bodily reality, logic and emotions, become figments of imagination and unconscious reliving of old trauma, illusory, dreams and assumptions…

    … but as we connect to the intelligence of the body, we recalibrate our perception to reality, allowing us to filter emotions, and thoughts accordingly…

    So welcome to the school of embodiment, the elementary school of life, where we practice really living fully, inviting the full range of emotions and perceptions that are available to us.

  • Tantric Touch: Body as a Portal for Elevated States of Consciousness

    by Louise Fisker Skjoldan

    Unlock the secrets of deep connection and elevation of your consciousness in the workshop, "Tantric Touch: Body as a Portal for Elevated States of Consciousness." In this workshop we will discover how our body can act as a vessel for profound spiritual transformation. We will dive into this unique chance of experiencing directly the power of conscious touch and tantric practices of awakening your senses and expanding your consciousness, exploring the body's capacity to access higher states of awareness and inner peace.

  • In search of Enlightenment: The Yoga of Self-Realization in various spiritual traditions

    by Foca Yariv

    There are many paths to deification, and as we wisely and intuitively look beyond the cultural and religious differences of various traditions and religions of the planet, we will find that there is a mysterious ‘unifying factor’ behind them all. This is why enlightened people around the world discovered the same truths. 

    Explore the mechanisms behind the various spiritual traditions, and discover how even though they all practise different methods, they are based in essence on the same universal principles.

    This insight represents a leap in the consciousness of the practitioner, removing cultural boundaries and increasing the spiritual efficacy on our path.

    We will explore the Kabala system, originating in the Jewish tradition, Sufism as part of the Islamic world, Christianity, and Celtic wisdom.

  • Inner Wisdom at Work: Cultivating a Spiritual Mindset in Business

    by Thomas Orboe

    In this workshop, we will explore the profound connection between our spiritual path and our professional lives, understanding that the spiritual journey is not a separate endeavor but the central pillar that supports all aspects of our existence—including our work. By aligning our business practices with our inner values and virtues, we can create a professional life that is not only successful but also deeply fulfilling and directly aligned with our purpose.

    Rather than striving for a work-life balance that divides our time between competing priorities, we can rethink this concept by embracing life as a whole, where business is seamlessly integrated. When our business reflects our heart, every decision and action becomes an extension of our spiritual practice, allowing us to lead with authenticity and purpose

  • Power of Intuitive Intelligence

    by Marilena Frangi

    In this workshop we'll be touching on the vast subject of Intuition, and looking into how we can make it a readily available tool in our navigation of this amazingly mysterious universe. 

    Known as states of genius, intuitive inspirations are the “Aha!” moments that guide our steps beyond the information that is apparently available. We all know that feeling of knowing something, without knowing how we know it...

    In this session Marilena will offer a condensed presentation and practical methods for tapping into this innate human faculty as a practical tool in everyday life, where centring in the “spiritual heart” becomes a gateway to accessing our intuitive power at will.

  • Ajna workshop

    by Doru Bodea

    Have you ever been in a life situation where time “slowed down”, everything got very peaceful and you felt extremely focused, without fear and able to respond in a remarkably effective way? Such situations are often perceived as very meaningful moments of life, some being forever life changers. And what if I tell you that such such states of presence and focus are trainable? And that such states do not need to be sporadic and short-lived.

    A person’s baseline of focus can be elevated through systematic practice, and such forms of practice are not complicated or dreadful in any way. Concentration power is trainable and by developing it life can be greatly improved.

    This seminar aims to touch some of the basics of mental focus and offers you some simple techniques which can be easily made part of your daily life.

    No prior knowledge or skills are required, besides curiosity and some willingness to try.

  • Voyages of Spirit through Beneficial States of Trance

    by Sahajananda J. Porslund

    Trance states have played a vital and necessary role in human cultures since the dawn of evolution of consciousness.  

    In the modern world, trance states have been pathologized by both institutionalized religion and science, and ecstatic ritual has lost its centrality. After centuries of controversies and condemnationsanthropologists are recognizing what many cultures have known all along – that trance states are essential for human thriving, and that when we lose access to these states we seek ecstasy in darker, more destructive ways. 

    A recent popular renaissance in the fascination of trance states has arisen. Science have finallyacknowledged the human being as a ’ceremonial animal’ and trance states as a methodology in both ancient and modern communities to reinforce shared bonds, establish values, gain insight into the nature of reality, establish reciprocal relation with the natural world, and even heal.  

    Yet the spiritual methodology known by the initiates on how to access with our consciousness higher sublime states of beneficial trance is yet to be discovered and explored on a larger scale. In fact trance states might be the most natural and direct way of experiencing reality and exploring the dimensions of our consciousness. 

    Ralph Waldo Emerson described poetically a trance experience: ”Standing on the bare ground / head bathe by the blithe air/ and uplifted into infinite space / all mean egotism vanishes / I become a transparent eyeball / I am nothing / I see all”. 

    In this trance session with both lecturing and extended exercises to induce a soft and uplifting state of beneficial trance, Sahajananda J. Porslund will reintroduce in a fascinating way the history, relevance and basic protocol of inducing beneficial states of trance. The session will contain a voyage of the spirit into beneficial states of trance using rhythm, repetition, resonance and movement.

  • Living Eros

    by Pamela von Sabljar

    - What is possible at the edges of our consciousness? 

    To live life. In this present moment. Open. Saying yes to what is given to you … Responding to the other. Eros is the other. It is what moves. Gracefully letting go to be lived. Overflow flowing through our deepest desires. Taking the leap towards the body as a part of our next evolving layer of consciousness development. Deconstructing the modern worldview that we are separated from earth, nature, body and the other. To live as the embodiment of paradise. 

    Leadership in its essence is service. So how can we be at service for the emergent future? Life is movement - an unfolding mystery fused with Eros - it has its own kind of intelligence.

    In this practice session Pamela invites us into the intersubjective field - a shared awareness with an invocation of the evolutionary force of Eros. 

    We will sense together & dialogue from a shared collective intention to manifest the social transformation from our deepest desire.

  • Cosmology, Ancient Myth and Our Place in the Universe

    by Olof Hallström

    Do we really live in a gravitationally dominated, disconnected universe without purpose or meaning? How much of Settled Science is really settled? And can we draw reliable conclusions from global ancient testimony and from those conclusions not only understand our human history but find a path towards a holistic science that embraces consciousness and recognises that we live in a connected universe full of purpose?

    In this workshop we will explore alternative interpretations of available observations using the scientific method but elevating ourselves above scientific dogma that stifles current progress.

  • Empathy, through silence and resonance

    by Kevin & Tor

    Connect with others not through words, but through the profound power of shared silence. 

    Feel the ancient resonance of a 600-year-old singing bowl as it echoes through your being, a reminder of the timeless wisdom that resonates within us all. 

    Further, in this workshop we will have small playful interactions in silence, practicing feel ing our shared beautiful field of resonance.